Sunday, 31 January 2021

Man-Made UV Systems Have Proved Best To Disinfect The Needed

Science and technology has been a blessing to the mankind since decades. There were never times in the history when our lives were this much comfortable and world was just a small place to travel. Information is travelling at a faster speed than light and all this credit goes to our renowned scientists and researchers who have spent all their lives for this vision of a better mankind. 

We all have heard and experienced many miracles of science but most of us are still not aware of the dramatic usage of different rays like UV rays that has given a new direction to our innovative technology and solving problematic issues.

UV LIGHT is basically a radiation which is far more energetic than radio waves but less energetic than X rays or you can say Gamma rays. 

The natural source of UV rays is sunlight and manmade UV generator can be a sunbed used for tanning.

UV rays have also be known to kill different germs and bacteria and widely used in medical sciences to generate new vaccines for humans and animals. Basically the Ultraviolet light has been categorised into three variants UVA , UVB and UVC .

Out of this UVC light is the one which is most effective in killing germs and bacteria and different infections. It normally damages the molecules and makes germs incapable of performing infection. Recently many products have been launched during covid period that claim to kill coronavirus through UV rays and also sanitises large places with the help of UV light. This is actually the miracle of nature that has supported our technology to a great extent.

To know more about UV disinfection light please visit our Website:

Sunday, 3 January 2021

How UV Light Is Beneficial?

UV light is defined as electromagnetic radiation with the help of which the black light glow and during summer it causes summer tans and sunburns. Even exposure to ultraviolet rays the tissues of the skin get damaged. UV light has many benefits so lets us look at some of them in detail.

Boost vitamin D: Our body needs vitamin D to strengthen the muscles, bones, and boost the immune system. It acts as a natural defence system of the body. It is defined as the protection from bacteria, viruses, cancer cells, parasites, and transplanted organs and tissues. Even this is best to lower the risk of cancers such as colon cancer.

Improves skin conditions: The problem of the skin can be treated. Mostly the problems like psoriasis. This problem is defined as the kind of the condition of the skin due to which skin sheds cells and causes itchy and patchy scaly. More exposure to the UV disinfection lights slower will be the growth of cells of the skin causes different issues.

Helps some animals’ vision: It is easy for the animals to locate the ripe fruits. With its help, they can find the flowers and seeds which stand out more strongly from the background. Most of the fruits, flowers, and seeds appear quite different from humans’ s animals with the help of UV disinfection light can have different line markings, which may help direct bees and birds to the nectar.